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Privacy Policy

D Soft wants to focus on the protection of personal data according to the rules developed in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or - in Dutch - the AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) according to the European Regulation 2016/679 applicable as of May 25, 2018 and other applicable laws regarding the protection of personal data.


We process your personal data in a lawful manner.

Your personal data will only be processed if this is done in a lawful manner. On the one hand, this is possible following your express consent. You always have the right to withdraw this consent. On the other hand, this is only possible when it is necessary for one of the following reasons:

  • Execution of the contract 

  • Legal obligation 

  • Legitimate interest 

  • Consent

For each purpose, D Soft indicates which lawfulness applies.



D Soft will process necessary personal data only for the following purposes:

  • Customer management, e.g. managing a customer relationship, preparing offers and executing one or more agreements (e.g. a purchase, ...), accounting processing, ...

  • Legality: contractual necessity, legitimate interest, legal obligation 

  • Supplier management, e.g. managing a supplier relationship, processing quotes and executing one or more agreements, accounting processing, ...

  • Legality: contractual necessity, legitimate interest, legal obligation 

  • Compliance with legal obligations on our part, e.g. tax and social security obligations

  • Legality: legal obligation 

  • Management of disputes

  • Legality: legitimate interest, i.e. protection of financial interests

  • Direct marketing, e.g. newsletters, marketing campaigns, social media Legality:

    • legitimate interest, i.e. freedom to conduct business, in the case of you being a customer with us

    • consent, in case you are a prospect; this consent is free and can be withdrawn at any time.

In both cases you can unsubscribe at any time.

If the legality is contractual necessity or legal obligation, the personal data must be provided to enable the performance of the contract or to fulfill a legal obligation. If the required information is not provided, the relationship cannot continue.

D Soft processes the following data as a data controller

  • Identification data: name, first name, place of residence, e-mail, user login, phone number, position (if applicable).

  • Electronic data: IP address, MAC address, pages visited, cookies, data generated by Lead Info.

  • Financial data: bank account number, other payment information (if applicable).

  • Image recordings: photos, videos; upon consent.

D Soft is not responsible for the processing of your data by third parties who are themselves responsible for the processing and do not do so on behalf of D Soft.



Personal data will be stored for the period described below:

  • Customer management: 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship

  • Supplier management: 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship

  • Compliance with legal obligations on our part: legal retention period

  • Dispute management: for the period necessary to settle the dispute definitively

  • Direct marketing: 5 years after the last meaningful contact with the data subject


D Soft shares your personal information with the following recipients:

  • Yourself and, if applicable, (a) your employer or certain of your employees and (b) professional advisors appointed by you;

  • Suppliers, in the context of a contract to be performed (e.g. direct delivery);

  • Banks, insurance companies and brokers, in the context of your relationship with these parties;

  • Government agencies as part of legal obligations;

  • Our professional counsel, lawyers and bailiffs, to the extent necessary for their assistance;

  • Technical processors, such as for example hosting of website, software, files, ... ; provided the execution of the necessary processor agreements. Please also see separate cookie policy.


The personal data processed by D Soft will not be transmitted to third parties, except to the recipients as described above. This third party must process the personal data provided to it in accordance with GDPR legislation (e.g. adequately secure data, ...).


Export of personal data: personal data processed by D Soft will not be exported to countries outside the European Economic Area.


It goes without saying that D Soft protects all data appropriately. To this end, we have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures: D Soft provides the necessary physical protections, regular updates of hardware and software, adequate password management, secure Internet connections and uses anti-virus software for this purpose. 

D Soft is ISO 27001 certified. ISO 27001 is the international standard for Information Security. You can find our certificate on our website.

D Soft would also like to point out that no system can be 100% secure. Information security also depends on you. You should also secure your own information systems and keep any account information confidential.

D Soft is the data controller responsible for the purposes described above.

Do you have any questions for D Soft? Please contact us: 
Controller: D Soft 

Registered office: Guldensporenpark 7, 9820 Merelbeke Belgium, +32 9 372 70 41
Company number: 0455.351.751
Responsible GDPR:

The Netherlands:

Registered office: Touwslagerijweg 4, 4906 CS Oosterhout, +31 85 888 05 27
Chamber of Commerce number: 59326395
Responsible GDPR:

You can always contact the supervisory authority if you deem it necessary. 


Contact details:


GBA – Data Protection Authority
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, +32 (0)2 274 48 00

The Netherlands:

Personal Data Authority

P.O. Box 93374, 2509 AJ The Hague, +31 70-8888 500

Form tip or complaint about a privacy violation (

D Soft is also, in some cases, a processor of personal data of which customers of D Soft are the data controller. In that case, D Soft is a processor and performs tasks under an agreement with that customer. Are you in that case? Ask the controller for more information.

You can always contact D Soft as data controller to exercise your rights as a data subject. These rights are:

  • Inspection = right to see your personal data.

  • Correction/amendment = right to have your data corrected

  • Deletion = right to have your data erased

  • Restriction = right to limit processing of your data

  • Data portability = right to transfer your data to another data controller

  • Objection = right to object: right to object to processing. 
    You can object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes free of charge at any time. In each of the newsletters or other marketing mailings the possibility to do so is provided. After your unsubscription, you will no longer receive such mailings or messages from us. 

  • Right to refuse automatic decision-making.


You also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. To enable a quick and amicable settlement of disputes, please contact us first.

The above rights are subject to various legal conditions and restrictions. If you have any questions regarding these, please contact us first.

This Privacy Policy (Policy) was last modified on 13/06/2024, but may be modified in the future. Therefore, please consult this document regularly. Any significant change will be indicated via our website, email or other electronic communication. 


This Privacy Policy is governed by Belgian law for Belgian customers. Only the courts of Ghent have jurisdiction in case of dispute.

D Soft nv

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