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More digital together with D Soft


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Euro Craft is a strong B2B partner organization since 1998. What started 25 years ago with a simple idea is now one of the leading B2B marketing and procurement groups in the construction and industrial sector and is indispensable in Europe. Seven successful partners, more than 25 active countries with sales, about 3,000 members, 5,000 points of sale and an external turnover of more than €13 billion speak for themselves. 


The partnership with Euro Craft opens new doors for further international expansion and is part of D Soft's growth ambitions within Europe. 

Click for more information about Euro Craft and its initiatives.


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Ketenstandaard is an independent and neutral organization that develops, manages and promotes standards for the construction, real estate, maintenance and installation chain. One of their most important standards is the DICO Standard, which enables companies in the construction and engineering sector to exchange information quickly, error-free and safely. The nearly 4,000 member participants are active throughout the construction supply chain, from clients, housing associations, architects, specifiers, engineers, construction and/or maintenance companies, installers, painters and wholesalers to manufacturers and software partners in construction, infrastructure and engineering. D Soft software is DICO certified. 


D Soft has partnered with Ketenstandaard to promote more efficient collaboration across industries. This collaboration helps standardize processes and data exchange. This allows companies within the sector to better communicate and collaborate, leading to higher productivity and lower costs. 


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Dreija is a software development company based in Helsinki, Finland with a growing network of partners worldwide. They bring together data science, strategy and engineering to build advanced AI/ML and IoT solutions and develop custom software for leading companies. 

D Soft has partnered with Dreija to better support their customers with advanced ERP solutions. This partnership enables them to automate and optimize business processes more efficiently. This allows customers to benefit from improved integration and flexibility in their business operations. 


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In 2006, purchasing organizations Ferney, Zevij and Necomij joined forces with wholesaler Destil to strengthen in the area of item management and content management. Together, they started EZ-base. Starting in the hardware and tools sector, EZ-base now also serves other sectors including the construction, paint and automotive sectors. 


EZ-base is a web-based platform where supply and demand of the industry come together. The database has a representative range of the most prominent suppliers. They are increasingly asked to supply their data in a variety of specific formats to the trade, which in turn spends a lot of time requesting this from all suppliers. EZ-base was created to take on this task. 


Thanks to the connection between EZ-base and DocTrails, the wholesaler is assured that the order is validated before it is processed by the supplier. The connection allows the supplier to follow the order process and intervene where necessary. This leads to an increase in the quality and quantity of EDI messages. 


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Since 2004, 2BA manages the neutral Dutch data pool for the controlled and digital exchange of article data between supplier and customer based on the international ETIM standards. The product information of the manufacturer, importer and/or agent is also included, controlled and classified. And any additional trade information from the supplying wholesaler(s) can be linked to the manufacturer's unique product. This means that in their data pool, manufacturers, agents, importers and wholesalers themselves maintain, complete and keep up-to-date product and trade data for the entire chain. No wonder that now more than 2.300 installation and assembly companies and more than 150 wholesalers use product and trade information from the 2BA data pool on a daily basis. 


Data exchange between applications of PIM software partners and the 2BA data pool is tested annually against the then current criteria. The test consists of the complete and correct processing of a data file provided by 2BA. This guarantees that a data supplier with the application of the 2BA PIM Premium Software Partner is technically capable of achieving the highest score on the 2BA Data Label. 


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Peppol (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line) is an international network that enables electronic data exchange between businesses and governments. It provides a standard for e-invoicing and other business documents, making transactions more efficient, secure and less prone to error. Peppol uses standardized formats and protocols, allowing different systems to communicate smoothly. 


By becoming a member of OpenPeppol, we as a public and private sector organization have a unique opportunity to join forces and drive the adoption of common standards, process automation and connectivity around the world. 

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